Tag Archives: Processing

Easy Homemade Brown Sugar Recipe

images Buying bags and bags of brown sugar can be expensive when you’re a hardcore baker… With a jar of dark molasses and some plain sugar, you can whip up tons in no time. Great for those times when you don’t have a bag of brown sugar lying around but you want some goddamn cookies. Now. This is actually all brown sugar is! You can easily make both dark or brown sugar.


1 cup white sugar

1 tbs molasses (For dark brown sugar use 2 tbs for every cup)

Note: You can easily multiply the recipe and store some in an airtight container where you would usually store brown sugar. Here, ill save you some math:

For 4 cups of light brown sugar use one-fourth of a cup of molasses (or half a cup for dark) Multiply using this formula accordingly


If you have a food processor with a plastic blade that isn’t sharp place the sugar and molasses into the base and blend for 2 minutes until it is completely combined.

If your food processor doesn’t come with a plastic blade or you don’t have a processor at all, no problem, just add the sugar and molasses to a bowl and mix in with your hands until everything is combined and all the blobs of molasses are dissolved. CIMG0370

This will take about 5 minutes or more depending on how much you’re making. Store as you would store-bought brown sugar. Enjoy!… i guess.